MW2 Season 2 Delay

Warzone 2 and MW2 Season 2 Delay Confirmed, Start Date and Time Changed

Activision and Infinity Ward have confirmed that both Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 will be delayed through the official Call of Duty account on Twitter. It was originally thought that the start time and date for both CoD games would be February 1, given that this is when the Battle Pass for the first season ends, but that has been moved two weeks to February 15.

MW2 Season 2 delay due to Infinity Ward making “several changes”

The statement from the developers on Twitter says that the MW2 Season 2 delay is primarily due to them wanting to make “several changes” based on what they have heard from the player community. As previously reported, the Warzone 2 player count is dropping “at a higher rate than expected,” so this would be a good time for Infinity Ward to tweak and adjust the game.

The short letter also confirms that Season 2 will mark the comeback of Resurgence, in addition to a “brand new small map” for Warzone 2. Ranked play will also return to MW2 with new multiplayer maps, modes, weapons, and more.

Fans reacting to the news on Twitter are cautiously optimistic that this Season 2 delay means that their voices are being heard. Some still want more transparency as well as an update on Warzone 2 stats being reset and how soon ranked play will be implemented in multiplayer.

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