Instagram Moon Meaning

Instagram Moon Meaning: What Is Quiet Mode and How To Turn On?

The Instagram moon meaning can be hard to work out, since it’s tied to a new feature that users may not know about. You might think that it means that it’s nighttime for the user, but that’s not actually what it stands for. So to clear up any confusion, here’s what the Instagram moon icon means.

What does the moon icon mean on Instagram?

The Instagram moon icon means that the user has turned on Quiet Mode. When this is enabled, this will pause all Instagram notifications during a time period that the user sets. This will make it easier for people to sleep or focus on something when they don’t want to be interrupted.

Anyone who messages you while you’re in Quiet Mode will receive an auto-reply stating that you won’t be getting a notification about it. Once you toggle off Quiet Mode, you will receive a summary of any messages and notifications that were paused while it was on.

How to turn on Quiet Mode in Instagram

To turn on Quiet Mode in Instagram, you can go to the app’s settings through your profile picture. The Notifications tab will have a new option for Quiet Mode that you can tap on to enable. You can optionally select a time period in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields to set a duration for Quiet Mode.

For more guides on Instagram, here’s how to fix the app from crashing on Android and iPhone, and what the maximum length is for an Instagram Reel.

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