Monopoly Go Gold Cards Stickers Free

How to Get Gold Cards in Monopoly Go for Free?

If you want to know how to get gold cards in Monopoly Go for free, there are several ways to get them on iPhone and Android. Gold cards, or gold stickers, are fairly difficult to find as they are extremely rare drops that you can get from various packs. Worse, unlike other stickers of a lower rarity, you’re not allowed to trade gold-bordered cards with other players. This means that you need to be lucky enough to find each gold sticker by yourself. To increase your odds, here’s how you can earn gold cards for free in Monopoly Go.

Can you get free gold cards and stickers in Monopoly Go?

Yes, you can earn free gold cards in Monopoly Go. This is mainly by winning packs by placing high in tournaments and generally playing events.

However, being in the top three in tournaments can be tough if you don’t play the game every day or if you choose not to spend money. Accumulating points in limited events will earn you free dice, money, and Stickers packs where you can get a gold card or gold sticker. That said, earning free packs doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get a gold card, but it will give you more chances to get them.

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And then, even if you do manage to get a gold card, it’s possible that you’ll get a duplicate gold card instead of one that you need. Some players can get understandably frustrated with the low drop rates for gold cards and the fact that you can’t trade these duplicate gold cards with other players. This is despite pop-ups in the game that say you can ask about trading gold stickers on Facebook.

It would also be nice if you can trade these extra gold cards for money or dice. But as one of the highest grossing games on iPhone and Android, developer Scopely wants to encourage players to pay for dice, boosters, and other microtransactions.

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