Baldurs Gate 3 Poly Romance Multiple Characters

Baldur’s Gate 3 Poly Options: Can I Romance Multiple Characters?

Things are a bit complicated if you’re looking to be poly in Baldur’s Gate 3. Romances are one of the highlights of this game, and players understandably want to experience as many as they can in one playthrough. However, you’ll notice that most characters want you all to themselves. Despite this, there are a few that you can enter into a polyamorous relationship with.

Which romances allow you to be poly with multiple characters in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The only poly relationships we can confirm in Baldur’s Gate 3 are:

  • You + Shadowheart + Halsin
  • You + Astarion + Halsin

However, from the reports we’ve seen from players in the community, it seems like the formula for a polyamorous relationship in BG3 is as follows:

  • You + Shadowheart or Astarion + Standard Companion
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Unfortunately, even the two Origin Companions that are open to a poly relationship aren’t amiable to one involving another Origin Companion. So, the following list of characters won’t enter a poly relationship with anyone else on the list:

  • Astarion
  • Gale
  • Karlach
  • Lae’zel
  • Shadowheart
  • Wyll

That doesn’t mean that all of them come out and say that they’re not interested in an open relationship. Multiple characters in BG3 will show interest in being poly but later recants. Karlach, in particular, states that she doesn’t mind sharing you. However, once her Infernal Engine is repaired enough to be able to touch you, she’ll lock that down quickly.

You may also get confused and think you can romance multiple characters because you’re not penalized for playing the field early on in the game. In my playthrough, I wanted to romance Shadowheart, but getting into a relationship with her is a really slow burn. So, I ended up having sex with Lae’zel when she came onto me, and Shadowheart seemed like she didn’t care at all. However, both of these characters reach a point in their relationship tree where they won’t allow you to continue romancing another Origin Character.

Fortunately, if you do make your primary sweetheart upset in Baldur’s Gate 3, you will always get a chance to recant and set things back on track.

BG3 romance multiple characters FAQ

Q: Can you have a polyamorous relationship in Baldur’s Gate 3?

A: Yes, you can, but only with specific character combinations. The confirmed poly relationships are: You + Shadowheart + Halsin and You + Astarion + Halsin.

Q: Are there any characters who won’t engage in a poly relationship with others?

A: Yes. The list of characters that won’t be in a poly relationship with any other from the same list includes Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Wyll. Some may initially show interest but will eventually recant.

Q: If I romance multiple characters early in the game, will it have consequences later on?

A: While you’re not penalized for exploring multiple romances early on, characters like Shadowheart and Lae’zel have points in their relationship progression where they’ll insist on exclusivity. If you upset your main romantic interest, the game does provide opportunities to mend the relationship.

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