Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 BOOOAL

Baldur’s Gate 3 BOOOAL: Should You Sacrifice Companion or Kill Kuo-Toa God in Festering Cove

The Baldur’s Gate 3 BOOOAL is a secret boss that can be found in the Underdark in Act 1. At around coordinates X -69, Y -240 in the Underdark, you will find a few mushrooms along the wall that you hop across after destroying some of the exploding mushrooms in the area. Climbing down here will lead you to The Festering Cove, where you’ll meet the mysterious BOOOAL being worshipped as god by the fishmen Kuo-Toa. This will lead you to make a decision of sacrificing one of your companions or attempting to kill this supposed god. Here’s whether you should indeed sacrifice someone or slay this BOOOAL before Act 2 begins.

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Should you kill Baldur’s Gate 3 BOOOAL or sacrifice a companion?

In most cases, we recommend killing BOOOAL instead of sacrificing a companion. The only exception is if you’re okay with getting rid of one of your followers for a permanent buff.

Killing BOOOAL, or choosing to become one of his champions, will earn you the Sickle of BOOOAL. This rare magic weapon deals 2d4 slashing damage and gives advantage on attack rolls on targets that have the Bleeding status effect.

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If you wish to bestow the sickle’s ability to your entire party, you can instead opt to kill a companion. Note that this will mean that the character cannot be revived in any way, be it through a Scroll of Revivify or Withers back at camp. The sacrifice will give your entire party a permanent buff called BOOOAL’s Benediction that grants them advantage on all attack rolls on bleeding targets, without needing to use the Sickle of BOOOAL specifically.

Passing an Arcane or Investigation check at the beginning of the encounter will give you a hint in figuring out what’s really going on with BOOOAL. There’s also an outcome where you can save the Kuo-Toa from BOOOAL by passing several skill checks and saying “I’ll just kill you and claim it for myself” afterwards.

BG3 BOOOAL Secret Boss FAQ

Q: Where can I locate the secret boss BOOOAL in Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 1?

A: In Act 1, you can find BOOOAL in the Underdark. To reach him, navigate to coordinates X -69, Y -240 and look for a series of mushrooms on the wall. After clearing the exploding mushrooms, you can hop across and climb down to The Festering Cove. There, the fishmen Kuo-Toa worship BOOOAL as a god.

Q: Should I sacrifice a companion or eliminate BOOOAL to get the benefits?

A: It’s generally advisable to defeat BOOOAL rather than sacrificing a companion. By doing so, you obtain the Sickle of BOOOAL, a powerful magic weapon. If, however, you’re willing to lose a party member for a game-wide buff, you can choose the sacrifice. This grants your entire team the BOOOAL’s Benediction perk, enabling them to gain advantage on attack rolls against bleeding targets without the Sickle.

Q: Is there a way to understand BOOOAL’s intentions before making a decision?

A: Yes, at the start of the encounter, passing an Arcane or Investigation check will provide hints about BOOOAL’s true nature. Additionally, with the right skill checks, you can opt to save the Kuo-Toa from BOOOAL and then assert, “I’ll just kill you and claim it for myself.”

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