Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 Zethino Answers Correct Responses Companions

Baldur’s Gate 3 Zethino Answers: List of Correct Responses for Love Test

The Baldur’s Gate 3 Zethino answers will depend on your chosen love interest. This dryad at the Circus of the Last Days in Act 3, the same place where you get the quest to find all the body parts of Dribbles the Clown, will test you on how well you truly know your partner by asking you three questions. Both the questions and the answers will differ depending on your chosen companion; even if you romance multiple characters, you can only choose one for the test. The dryad will generally ask you about the person’s deepest joy, desire, regret, and fear. As such, there are heavy spoilers here, as this will go into each character’s secrets. Here’s a list of correct responses to Zethino’s love test in BG3.

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What are the correct Baldur’s Gate 3 Zethino answers?

The following are the correct responses to Zethino’s test of love depending on your love interest:


  1. When he’s elbow deep in gore.
  2. Revenge.
  3. Breaking a nail.


  1. A shiny red apple – wholesome as can be.
  2. While on his balcony in Waterdeep.
  3. He thinks he, and the world, might be better off if he were dead.


  1. Comfort doesn’t come naturally to him – he’s restless and roaming.
  2. Protecting his grove from those who threatened it.
  3. Allowing the shadow curse to blight nature for a hundred years.


  1. Gortash.
  2. Bashing baddies interspersed with victory sex.
  3. Settled down in a quiet village with a nice partner and few kids.
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  1. To find the truth about Orpheus amidst her queen’s lies.
  2. Our night together.
  3. She will be known as a liberator of the githyanki people.


  1. Picking off her siblings one by one.
  2. Me.
  3. Let herself be captured by the cult of the Absolute.


  1. Good company and an even better vintage.
  2. Being discreet.
  3. She can’t swim.


  1. Memories of our first night getting to know each other.
  2. His father, Ulder Ravengard.
  3. Leaving behind his father – and his city.

It’s uncertain if Minsc or Jaheira can undertake this love test with Zethino, but we don’t believe so since both of these characters are non-romanceable companions. We’ll update this guide if that isn’t the case, though.

BG3 Zethino Love Test Answers FAQ

Q: How does Zethino in Baldur’s Gate 3 test your knowledge about your chosen love interest?

A: Zethino, a dryad in Act 3 at the Circus of the Last Days, will quiz you on how deeply you understand your chosen partner by posing three questions about the individual’s deepest joy, desire, regret, and fear. Remember, you can only pick one character for this test, even if you’ve romanced multiple characters.

Q: Can you provide a summary of the correct responses for Astarion during Zethino’s love test?

A: Of course. For Astarion, the right answers to Zethino’s questions are: his deepest joy is “When he’s elbow deep in gore,” his main desire is “Revenge,” and his biggest regret is “Breaking a nail.”

Q: Are all companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 eligible for Zethino’s love test?

A: No, not all companions are eligible. It’s currently unclear if characters like Minsc or Jaheira can participate in Zethino’s test, especially since they are considered non-romanceable. However, the guide will be updated in the future if new information emerges.

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