Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 Naoise Nallinto

Baldur’s Gate 3 Naoise Nallinto: How to Romance Dryad at Sharess’ Caress

Baldur’s Gate 3 Naoise Nallinto is a one-time romance option in Act 3. Like other NPCs in the Sharess’ Caress, located at the Wrym’s Crossing just outside the main city of Baldur’s Gate 3, she provides a singular experience once you help her. It can be a little difficult figuring out whether you can have sex with the dryad by selecting the right options. Here’s how to romance Naoise Nallinto in BG3.

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How to romance Baldur’s Gate 3 Naoise Nallinto

To romance Naoise Nallinto, you need to head to the third floor of the Sharess’ Caress and save her from Fist Jara.

You can enter the third floor either by using a key provided by Mamzell to unlock the front door or by sneaking around and entering Naoise’s room through a back door. Either way, you interrupt a sensual experience between Naoise and a Flaming Fist named Fist Jara. However, your presence alerts Jara and has her transform into a mind flayer that you will need to defeat, which shouldn’t be difficult since you will likely have a full party at your disposal against just one opponent.

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Speaking with Naoise afterward will have her reveal her interesting stance on mind flayers, despite being shocked of what Fist Jara turned into right in front of her eyes. After going through several dialogue options with Naoise, she will then provide an option for her to explore various experiences with you, at least in your mind. Through this arousing experience, your character will gain a minor buff that lasts until your next rest.

And well, that’s about it. There’s no way to have sex with Naoise, and talking to her again just has her reject offering a second blessing with no option to sleep with her. That’s the extent of her “romance” path, so you might as well romance someone else or multiple people instead.

BG3 Naoise FAQ

Q: Where can I find Naoise Nallinto in Baldur’s Gate 3 for a romance option?

A: You can find Naoise Nallinto at the Sharess’ Caress, located at the Wrym’s Crossing just outside the main city of Baldur’s Gate 3. She becomes available for a one-time romance in Act 3.

Q: How can I successfully romance Naoise Nallinto in BG3?

A: To romance her, head to the third floor of the Sharess’ Caress. You’ll either use a key from Mamzell to enter or sneak in through a back door. Upon entering, you’ll interrupt an encounter between Naoise and Fist Jara, who transforms into a mind flayer. After defeating her, engage in dialogue with Naoise. Eventually, she’ll offer an immersive mental experience with you, granting a temporary buff.

Q: Can I continue my romantic relationship with Naoise?

A: No, the romance with Naoise is a singular experience. She doesn’t offer a second blessing and there’s no option to sleep with her again. You might consider pursuing other romance options in the game.

For more Baldur’s Gate 3, here are the correct answers to a love quiz posed by another druid named Zethino.

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