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Payday 3 Can’t Find Match: How to Get a Game Through Matchmaking

A pervasive Payday 3 can’t find match issue is preventing players from getting into the game at all. Since early access, Payday 3 has experienced matchmaking problems on all platforms, with players not being able to get past the loading screen or even into the multiplayer lobby. The Nebula Data Error in particular has been impacting players the most. Many can’t start a heist or get into a game, despite waiting for more than twenty minutes and in some cases over an hour. Trying to play the game in single-player by selecting the invite only option doesn’t work either. Here’s how to get a game through matchmaking for Payday 3 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

How to fix Payday 3 can’t find match issue

If you can’t find a match in the game, we recommend that you keep track of the status of the Payday 3 online servers before attempting to enter matchmaking.

In particular, we suggest heading over to the official Twitter feeds for both Payday 3 and Starbreeze Entertainment. Both pages have been updated by the developers as far as their progress in fixing the long waiting times and the seemingly infinite loading screen. That said, it’s clear that the stability of the multiplayer servers are frustrating the developers as much as the players, with several posts going back and forth stating the matchmaking issues have been resolved and then not resolved.

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Unfortunately, since Payday 3 is online-only and requires that all players sign into the servers even if they want to play the game by themselves, the server load has been extremely high. The servers have not been able to keep up with the demand, so until this is fixed, getting into a match of any kind has been rough to say the least.

If the servers are stable but you’re still experiencing issues, the best thing we can recommend is to use a VPN from a region that isn’t as active. This will impact the connection of course, but it will give you a better chance of getting into a game at least.

Payday 3 Can’t Find Match FAQ

Q: What has been a significant issue preventing players from playing Payday 3?

A: Players have been encountering a pervasive issue where they can’t find a match in Payday 3, preventing them from getting past the loading screen or entering the multiplayer lobby. This issue, including the Nebula Data Error, affects all platforms and has been present since early access.

Q: How can players stay updated on the status of Payday 3’s online servers and the resolution of matchmaking problems?

A: Players can stay informed about the status of the online servers and the developers’ progress in fixing matchmaking issues by following the official Twitter feeds for both Payday 3 and Starbreeze Entertainment. The developers update these pages with information regarding the stability of the multiplayer servers and the resolution of long waiting times and infinite loading screens.

Q: What is a recommended solution if the servers are stable, but a player is still experiencing issues finding a match?

A: If the servers are stable but a player is still facing issues, it is recommended to use a VPN from a region that isn’t as active. While this might impact the connection, it increases the chances of getting into a game.

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