Mortal Kombat 1 Erteca Aosch Invasions Puzzle Solution

Mortal Kombat 1 Erteca Aosch Invasions Puzzle Solution

The Mortal Kombat 1 Erteca Aosch Invasions puzzle once again shows how NetherRealm Studios loves its weird anagrams. Many of the Invasions secrets are just a bunch of twisted words cobbled together. Here’s how to solve the Erteca Aosch MK1 Invasions puzzle in the Living Forest map.

How to solve the MK1 Erteca Aosch Invasions puzzle

To solve the Erteca Aosch MK1 puzzle in Invasions, you will first need to have Havik unlocked as a playable character. This cursed fighter is not available from the start and you will have to beat the entire story-based campaign in order to play as him. “Erteca Aosch” is also an anagram for “create chaos,” which fits Havik since he is from Chaosrealm.

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Once you do that, go back to that Invasions node in the Living Forest Mesa and choose Havik as your playable character. Go into the fight, win, and then perform a Fatality. Either of Havik’s Fatalities should work.

The input for his first Fatality is down, forward, down, 4 (Circle on PS5, B on Xbox Series X|S, and A on Nintendo Switch) at a close range. His second Fatality, which you can perform even if you have not unlocked it through his Mastery track, is forward, back, down, 2 (Triangle on PS5, Y on Xbox Series X|S, and X on Nintendo Switch) at a close range.

Once you successfully dismember Raiden in that battle, the route should open up to the treasure chest. Go down the newly opened path in order to get your spoils, which will contain some randomized items that range from consumables to palettes to gear items to skins. It is also worth doing these Invasions puzzles before the season ends in early November, as it appears as though seasonal items will be harder to come by after that.

MK1 Erteca Aosch Puzzle FAQ

Q: What is required to solve the Erteca Aosch MK1 Invasions puzzle in Mortal Kombat 1?

A: To solve this puzzle, you need to have Havik unlocked as a playable character by completing the entire story-based campaign. Once unlocked, select Havik, win the fight in the Living Forest map, and perform a Fatality. Successfully doing this will open up a route to a treasure chest containing various randomized items.

Q: What does the anagram “Erteca Aosch” stand for and how is it related to Havik?

A: “Erteca Aosch” is an anagram for “create chaos,” which is fitting as Havik hails from Chaosrealm.

Q: Is there a time limit to solving these Invasions puzzles for seasonal items?

A: Yes, it’s recommended to solve these Invasions puzzles before the season ends in early November, as seasonal items will likely be harder to obtain afterward.

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