My Hero Ultra Rumble Tier List Best Characters

My Hero Ultra Rumble Tier List: Best Characters on the Roster

The My Hero Ultra Rumble tier list has formed quite nicely about a week after the game’s launch. This free-to-play battle royale multiplayer game based on the characters from the popular My Hero Academia game has many heroes on the roster at launch. Some of them have risen to the top, though, particularly if you examine the most popular characters in ranked play. This might change over time as players continue to find high-damage combo strings. Ultimately, almost every character has potential given enough experience, but there are still a few characters that stand out. Here is a tier list for MHUR with the characters currently available in Season 1 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

What is the My Hero Ultra Rumble tier list?

The following is a tier list for the MHUR characters available at launch:

  • S Tier
    • Bakugo, Deku, Shoto
  • A Tier
    • Toga, All-Might, Tsuyu (Froppy), Dabi, Cementoss, Ibara, Momo
  • B Tier
    • Denki, Ochaco, Mountain Lady, Ida
  • C Tier
    • Kendo, Shig, Mr. Compress
  • D Tier
    • Kirishima

Deku, or Izuku Midoriya, is a very solid character with great mobility and incredible burst damage. His ability to take damage and revive himself using his carry ability is strong as well. Bakugo is a well-rounded character that also has high mobility and can flow in and out of combat range with his ability for flight. Shoto also has great burst damage, though he can have trouble chasing down and escaping enemies.

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We also can’t forget about Toga who can use the abilities of other characters, so expert players will be able to use her effectively. It also doesn’t hurt that her knives have large hitboxes and can be hurled at a very high rate. All-Might is also a powerful assault character, though his large size makes him vulnerable.

We also believe that Ochaco could rise in tier list once the bug with her wire attacks are fixed. And of course more character will released in the game in future seasons, so you can expect balance patches and new heroes to change this tier list around in the coming months. With luck, we’ll also see the game get a crossplay feature.

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