Starfield: image of a spaceship that's landed on a sandy planet.

Starfield Update Adds FOV Slider, No Mention of Bug Fixes

Starfield developer Bethesda has been keeping its latest IP up-to-date, with larger patches on the way. For now, version 1.7.36 has been rolling out, which implements some small changes to the game.

Studio also thanks fans for feedback

Over on Steam, you can see that the latest update for Starfield went live recently. While it doesn’t appear to bring a lot with it, one of the most notable changes is the addition of an FOV slider. This is something that can be adjusted in both first and third-person, according to the patch notes.

On top of that, there’s also been some “improved stability” on the PC version of the game, specifically for those using an Intel Arc graphics card. There have also been some additional stability fixes, as well as performance improvements, presumably for both the PC and Xbox versions of the game.

The one other thing the update does is address “an issue where tunneling creatures could pick a location that would prevent progression” in the Echoes of the Past questline.

Outside that, there’s not a huge amount that’s been implemented in 1.7.36. While it’s possible there have been some small bug fixes that just haven’t been mentioned, it seems this patch’s main focus was on the FOV slider and general stability improvements.

While Starfield was touted as the least buggy game Bethesda has ever done, the space-faring RPG still has a few issues. As time goes on, people are beginning to see the cracks, but many would agree that Starfield is one of the more stable games from the Skyrim and Fallout 76 developer.

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