Lord of the Fallen How to Beat Scourged Sister Delyth

Lords of the Fallen: How to Beat Scourged Sister Delyth

You’ll likely have an easier time beating Scourged Sister Delyth in Lords of the Fallen than you did the previous boss. However, she’s far from a pushover and will be able to take you down in just 3-4 hits. However, she’s got a weakness that’s easy to exploit.

How to beat Scourged Sister Delyth in Lords of the Fallen

When facing Scouraged Sister Delyth in Lords of the Fallen, the first thing you’ll have to do is Soulflay her. Otherwise, you won’t be able to do any damage. Once that’s taken care of, her HP bar will turn from blue to red, and you can attack her as normal.

As stated above, Delyth isn’t as challenging as Pieta, but she can still be a pain. She has two phases, but both of them are similar, aside from a new attack she gets in the second one.

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Phase 1

Lords of the Fallen Delyth Phase 1

The key to beating Delyth is to figure out the timing of her flail attacks. These can be parried, and it doesn’t take much to stagger her. She’ll swing with the same tempo each time, so you just need to tap the guard button in rhythm. Follow up with charged strong attacks and kicks when she’s open, and you’ll make it through this face quickly.

Phase 2

Lords of the Fallen Delyth Phase 2

At around half health, Delyth will activate her second form. Her attacks carry over from the first phase, but she gains the ability to dash, and her combos are a bit faster. She can also now cast a swirling projectile that’ll home in on you.

You don’t have to change tactics too much here. You’ll need to be quicker on your parries, but once you relearn the tempo, her combos aren’t too threatening. The projectile is easy to avoid as well. Just make sure one of the pillars in the room is between you and Delyth, and it’ll run right into the column and disappear.

Again, parrying is your best tactic here. Delyth doesn’t have any big area of effect attacks, and you can take your time and wear her down.

Defeating Scourged Sister Delyth in Lords of the Fallen gives you the following reward:

  • Scourged Sister Flair x1
  • Scourged Sister Garb x1
  • Vestige Seed x1

Don’t forget to check the alcove in the room she spawns in to find a Saintly Quintessence you can obtain by using Soulflay.

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