Minecraft: mobs exploding out from the center of the image.

Minecraft Passes Another Significant Sales Milestone

Minecraft continues to dominate the modern gaming landscape, as the sandbox behemoth has made it past another sales milestone. As of now, Mojang’s IP has sold over 300 million units since its release.

Plus the new Mob has been announced

The news comes from a recent update on the official Minecraft website, which also gives some interesting stats about the game. For example, an average playthrough sees around 6.7 million diamonds discovered globally, while 15 million skeletons are slayed.

Speaking of enemies and mobs, the developer also announced the winner of this year’s Mob Vote. With three potential creatures to choose from, the one that made the cut was the armadillo. This will be joining the world of Minecraft in a future update and will be a part of the game “forever.”

On top of that, 2024 will see Minecraft celebrate fifteen years since launching. While the title was technically released in 2009, the full version saw the light of day in 2011. Microsoft bought Mojang out in 2014, giving the tech giant control over one of the most lucrative names in video game history.

Despite being one of the most successful video games, effectively going from a small, independent release to a dominant force in the AAA sphere, Minecraft has yet to make it to the PS5, which Microsoft claims is due to Sony.

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