Star Wars Outlaws: Kay Vess with Nix on her shoulders and a large sun behind them.

Star Wars Outlaws Rumored to Have Been Delayed by Ubisoft

There’s a possibility that the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws may be delayed until the next fiscal year. That’s according to a recent financial report from Ubisoft, which refers to a “large game” having its release date pushed back.

Ubisoft report could refer to the open-world Star Wars game

You can read the full report over on Yahoo! Finance which, partway down, mentions an unnamed game which was originally planned to be launching “the last quarter of the current fiscal year.”

However, it goes on to say that Ubisoft has “decided to launch this other large game in FY2024-25, so as to maximize its value creation.”

Without saying which title the developer and publisher is referring to, it’s difficult to nail down the specifics. Rumors circulating believe it to be the new Star Wars game, though it should be said that this has yet to be confirmed at the time of writing.

A tweet from Kotaku senior report Ethan Gach (via Rock Paper Shotgun) says the “large game” mentioned in the report could well be Outlaws. If true, this could mean it getting released sometime after April 2024.

Outlaws is an upcoming open-world title in the Star Wars franchise. Set in between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the story will follow Kay Vess and her sidekick Nix as they engage in heists.

If the speculations are true, the game might be released in Q2 of 2024. It’ll be available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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