Alan Wake 2 Room 209 Key Location Tim Breaker Oceanview Hotel

Alan Wake 2 Room 209 Key Location: How to Unlock Tim Breaker’s Room in Oceanview Hotel

You’ll need to find the Room 209 key in Alan Wake 2 to find one of Tim Breaker’s locations. You’ll hear him humming as you explore the second floor of the Oceanview Hotel, but it’s easy to overlook the Room 209 key location. Fortunately, it’s not hard to get to and isn’t even that far away.

Where to find the Room 209 key in the Oceanview Hotel in Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 Room 209 Key Location

When you pass through the eastern hallway of the second floor of the Oceanview Hotel in Alan Wake 2, you’ll hear humming coming from Room 209. This sound is an indicator that your friend Sheriff Tim Breaker is around, but you likely won’t have the key to unlock Room 209 at this point.

For some reason, finding the location of the Room 209 key really stumped me. However, it’s pretty close by. If you look on the map, you’ll notice that the door to Room 206 in the eastern hallway is locked, but there’s a second entrance to the room you can access from the western hallway.

More Alan Wake 2

The western entrance to Room 206 is unlocked, and you can enter the room to find the key to Room 209 on a desk. You can then unlock the eastern door and walk across the corridor to open the path to Tim Breaker.

Unfortunately, there’s not a ton to get here. You can copy down Tim’s map showing the locations of Words of Power and special containers. However, other than some new lore about Warlin Door, Tim doesn’t have anything to offer. However, it’s always good to see he’s okay, even if he’s a bit unhinged.

Despite this being an optional area, gathering clues and navigating the hotel’s twists and turns is crucial. Every discovery pushes you closer to unraveling the game’s intricate and mysterious storyline.

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