Alan Wake 2 Bright Falls Ranger Station Cult Stash Key Location

Alan Wake 2 Bright Falls Ranger Station Cult Stash Key Location

There’s a Cult Stash near the Bright Falls Ranger Station in Alan Wake 2 that is tough to open. It’s not because a math puzzle or cryptic symbols protect it. Instead, you’ll have a hard time finding the Ranger Station Stash Key because the clue you’re given is absolutely horrible.

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How to find the Bright Falls Ranger Station Cult Stash Key location in Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 Bright Falls Stash Key Location Map

The only clue you get to find the Bright Falls Ranger Station Cult Stash key in Alan Wake 2 is a drawing taped to the top of it. Unfortunately, I found it impossible to discern what was highlighted in the image, as you can’t zoom in on it (or that option was bugged). I knew the key was close by, but I had no idea where it was hidden other than it was some kind of column.

Alan Wake 2 Bright Falls Ranger Station Stash Key

After looking for about an hour, I spotted the key on the ground beside the Ranger Station chimney. After returning to the stash and looking at the image again, things clicked into place. The clue is Santa Claus sliding down a chimney with his reindeer and sleigh parked nearby. If I could have zoomed in to see the image better, this would have immediately stood out to me. I hope the devs add this ability in a future patch because the puzzle is a lot more frustrating than it has to be.

Once you have the key, all you have to do is return to the crate and use it to open the lock. There are no symbols to find or math to calculate. That means aside from not being able to see the drawing; this is one of the easier Cult Stashes to open in Alan Wake 2. Inside, I found Rifle Ammo, a Flashbang, and a Rocket Flare, which makes for a pretty good haul.

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