RoboCop sat in the driver's seat of a police car.

RoboCop: Rogue City Gets a Humorous Live-Action Trailer

While RoboCop is known for his brutal takedown of criminals, he clearly has a more lighthearted side. A new live-action trailer for the upcoming Rogue City shows that no one is above the law.

Don’t drop litter, kids!

In the trailer, we see the part-man, part-machine police officer take down some of the city’s biggest scums. In this case, he accosts a man who walks by without cleaning up after his dogs, some teenagers who drop their trash, and a drunk who urinates against a public wall. All in a rather humorous promotion for RoboCop: Rogue City.

As gritty and violent as the franchise is, this shows a rather fun take on the titular RoboCop’s commitment to keeping the streets clean, as it were. The fact that it’s live-action as well really lends it an authentic quality, as though it could be for an upcoming film.

RoboCop: Rogue City | The Ridden Streets of Old Detroit

Releasing on November 2 for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5, Rogue City is an FPS set in Old Detroit, as the machine-like law bringer confronts criminals, conducts investigations, and, yes, even doles out parking tickets.

Based on the first three RoboCop films, Rogue City will tell an original story and also will see Peter Weller reprise his role as the officer-cum-robot-crime-fighter Alex Murphy.

Sadly for Nintendo fans, publisher Nacon doesn’t have any plans to release the game for Switch. However, things could change in the future, but we can’t be certain about that just yet.

RoboCop: Rogue City is being developed by Teyon, perhaps best known for the not-so-well-received Terminator: Resistance.

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