Monopoly Go How Many Boards Levels Are There

Monopoly Go How Many Boards: What’s the Highest Level?

Many players are asking how many boards are in Monopoly Go for good reason. Some want to know if there’s a way to “beat” the game in some way by completing every level possible. Others are just curious to know what the highest level is. The time it takes to complete each board tends to increase a bit even though the amount of cash you receive also increases so that you can complete all five landmarks. Luckily, there are plenty of tournaments, album sticker sets, and weekly events like the Spooky Car partner event where you can get a lot of cash at once. Here’s how many levels there are in Monopoly Go for Android and iOS.

How many boards are in Monopoly Go?

There is an infinite number of boards in Monopoly Go because boards repeat themselves.

Some other guides say that there are 131 or over 300 levels, but this is incorrect. Yes, if you select the Map option from the top-right in-game menu, you can scroll all the way up and see that it stops. But this doesn’t mean that the number of levels stops, only that the game doesn’t want to continually load boards infinitely for memory reasons. In fact, there’s a white dashed line that you can see that suggests there are more levels that the map suggests.

More Monopoly GO

At around level 120 to 130, you’ll start to find boards that are quite familiar. That’s not a mistake. Levels will repeat themselves with the only difference being the higher cost to purchase all of the upgrades for the landmarks. This might be a little disappointing, but there’s only so much unique content that developer Scopely can muster. And the time it takes to reach such a high level takes many months of work, so by the time a board repeats, it might as well be fresh at that point.

For more Monopoly Go guides, here’s how to activate the High Roller glitch and the airplane mode cheat.

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