Alan Wake 2 Photo Mode: Can You Take Photos?

Alan Wake 2 Photo Mode: Can You Take Photos?

An Alan Wake 2 Photo Mode would allow users to fully take advantage of the detailed visuals Remedy Entertainment has created for its long-anticipated sequel. Many third-person games ship with such a mode, but it is not always there at launch. So does Alan Wake 2 have a Photo Mode?

Is there an Alan Wake 2 Photo Mode?

Alan Wake 2 does not currently have a Photo Mode. It is not currently possible to pause the game and reframe the action to create some spectacular shots in the Dark Place or Bright Falls.

This will not always be the case, though, as Remedy has confirmed that a Photo Mode is on the way. In an FAQ, the studio simply noted that it was coming but did not have a release date window for it. A press release around the game’s release also noted the Photo Mode update was just coming “post-launch.”

More Alan Wake 2

Given Remedy’s inconclusive answers, it is unclear when Alan Wake 2 is getting its Photo Mode. However, it did not take the team too long to add the same feature to Control, its previous game. The title came out on August 27, 2019 and got its Photo Mode update on October 16, 2029. That track record implies that it won’t be a long wait.

And while it is not currently possible to take pictures in the game through an official Photo Mode, it is possible to bend the game’s options to your will for better pictures. The Interface section of the Options menu has a few settings that will let you hide the HUD. This means you can frame shots without the game’s HUD getting in the way. Turning off motion blur will also help with more action-oriented photos, but this unofficial Photo Mode is more suited toward pictures of the environment.

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