Alan Wake 2 Lake Rental Cabins Stash Key Location

Alan Wake 2 Lake Rental Cabins Stash Key Location

The Alan Wake 2 lake rental cabins stash key location is at the end of an obtuse map that was seemingly drawn by child. It has various fantastical drawings with castles and tornadoes on it that seem to be giving the player directions, albeit unclear ones. Regardless, here’s how to get the lake rental cabins stash key in Alan Wake 2.

How to find the lake rental cabins stash key in Alan Wake 2

To get the lake rental cabins stash key in Alan Wake 2, you will have make your way through the rental cabins in Cauldron Lake (which requires the bolt cutters that you get later in the game). The directions in the map are admittedly not too clear, but it does imply that keys are in that area.

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Go through the cabin with the “3” on the outside near the front door. Go out the back door and then crouch under the fallen tree to get into the neighbor’s backyard, which is where you will see a copy of the map on the chest that implies you are going the right way.

  • Alan Wake 2 Lake Rental Cabins Stash Key Location
  • Alan Wake 2 Lake Rental Cabins Stash Key Location

Run out the front door of that neighbor’s house (which is “5”) and go to the right. You will see a few trees with “6” and “2” painted on them in that signature yellow paint. Go behind those trees and you will see the key on the ground near one of the trunks.

Now make your way back to the stash box in the first house by going through “5” and crouching under the fallen tree. Put the lake cabins stash key in the lock to get your prizes, which include ammo, a flashbang, and a rocket flare. There is even another note complaining about the math stash boxes, which seems to be a running joke.

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