Alan Wake 2 Diner Locked Door

Alan Wake 2: Is There a Key for the Diner Locked Door?

Early in Alan Wake 2, you’ll notice two locked doors in the Oh Deer Diner, which will taunt you for a good chunk of the game. One can be unlocked once you finally get the screwdriver, but the way to open the other will continue to elude you. We’ll take a look at whether or not you can unlock the Diner door below.

Can you open the locked diner door in Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 Diner Locked Door Location Map

As stated above, one of the two locked diner doors in Alan Wake 2 can be unlocked once you find the screwdriver as Saga in Chapter: Return 3. Once you do, you can use it to pop the padlock right off the door. Inside, you’ll find Rose’s office with a bit of lore.

However, there is a second locked door in the diner with a sign beside it that says “Employees Only!” So far, we have yet to find a way to open it. We initially hypothesized that it might work similarly to Room 108 at the lodge and that getting all the lunchboxes might unlock it since they have a connection to Rose, who works at the diner. However, after gathering them all, the door remains shut.

More Alan Wake 2

So, we have a few theories about the door:

  • It’s not supposed to open at all.
  • The key is hidden somewhere.
  • There’s another obscure action you have to complete to open it.
  • It’ll open as part of new game plus, which contains an alternative narrative, or the DLC

It’s not supposed to open at all

We don’t see this being the case because the game doesn’t typically let you interact with doors that you can’t ever open.

The key is hidden somewhere

We also doubt this is the case. Saga explicitly says that the door “won’t open,” not that it’s locked. She has a similar reaction when examining the door to Room 108.

An obscure action is required to open it

There is no doubt secrets are still hidden in the game. Using Room 108 as an example again, there’s no tangible connection between it and the deer heads, but finding all of them is required to open the door. It’s possible this is a similar situation, and we haven’t found the right trigger.

It’ll be used in the New Game Plus or DLC

The New Game Plus update is bringing an alternative narrative with “new Manuscript pages and new video content.” It’s not too far of a stretch to think it might add a few new locations as well. Alternatively, the door might be used in one of the two story DLC slated to be released for the game.

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