Starfield: an astronaut stood close to a spaceship in New Atlantis.

Starfield Nvidia DLSS Update Gets Release Date

Given that Starfield partnered with AMD to make the game better optimized for Team Red’s hardware, many wondered when Nvidia would get its turn. Fortunately, Bethesda is looking to roll out a patch for Team Green’s upscaling tech very soon.

More details to follow

In a recent post on X, Bethesda announced that a new Starfield update will be rolling out on Steam Beta come next week. While specifics are to be announced, we know that Nvidia’s DLSS – or Deep Learning Super Sampling – is being implemented, bringing with it frame generation, HDR controls, and more.

While the patch is being sent out for both PC and Xbox Series X|S versions of the game, it should be noted that DLSS will only be available for PC users. This is because Xbox is built using AMD hardware, and DLSS is specific to Nvidia products.

For those who don’t know, Deep Learning Super Sampling is an algorithm that’s designed to upscale game visuals. The general idea is to be able to increase things like resolution and framerate through machine learning rather than the user’s own hardware, such as the CPU.

It’s pretty much become the industry standard in modern game development, especially in the AAA sphere. AMD’s equivalent is FSR – or FidelityFX Super Resolution – and Bethesda has said support for version 3.0 of this tech will also be coming soon.

As for Starfield itself, it’s no secret that it’s been one of the biggest releases of this generation. While hype has certainly dropped off since the game launched in September, it’ll likely keep fans entertained for a while. At least until we hear more about The Elder Scrolls 6.

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