Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Length How Many Missions Long

Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Length: How Many Missions Are in MW3?

The Modern Warfare 3 campaign length is on the longer side when it comes to Call of Duty story missions. Many players want to know how long the MW3 campaign is or how many missions there are, particularly during the campaign early access period. Unlike other story modes in the series, there are some collectibles that you can find throughout the campaign, especially in Open Combat Missions (OCM for short) where you can find additional weapons and unlock killstreaks. Here’s a breakdown of how long it will take to beat the story of MW3 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.

What is the Modern Warfare 3 campaign length?

The Modern Warfare 3 campaign length has a total of 15 missions and is roughly about 5 to 8 hours depending on the difficulty setting you choose and how much you care about grabbing all the collectibles.

The following is the full list of missions in the game in chronological order, with some lasting just several minutes and others taking about 30 minutes to complete:

  • Operation 627
  • Precious Cargo
  • Reactor
  • Payload
  • Deep Cover
  • Passenger
  • Crash Site
  • Flashpoint
  • Oligarch
  • Highrise
  • Frozen Tundra
  • Gora Dam
  • Danger Close
  • Trojan Horse
  • Countdown

The campaign, as a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 2’s story, follows the trials and tribulations of Task Force 141. Unfortunately, you’ll have to play the campaign solo as there is no option to go through it with a friend in co-op.

Over the course of the story, you’ll unlock four operators: Corso, Pathfinder, Doc, and Jabber. Both Precious Cargo and Deep Cover will reward you with 30 minutes of double XP tokens and double weapon XP tokens. Meanwhile, Oligarch and Gora Dam will get you 1 hour of both of those tokens. Completing the campaign will net you a weapon blueprint and a completion emblem.

For more Modern Warfare 3 guides, here’s why the game installs shaders every time it launches and what to do if the game stops working and crashes to the desktop.

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