Best Genshin Impact Bennett Builds

Genshin Impact Bennett Build: Best Weapons, Artifacts, and Team Comps

There are a number of best builds for Bennett in Genshin Impact. He’s one of the most popular and versatile characters in the game and can be built as a support character to buff your team’s attack and healing, or as a sub-DPS to deal Pyro damage. In this guide, we will discuss the best weapons, artifacts, and team comps to build Bennett in Genshin Impact.

Best Genshin Impact Bennett Build Weapons

Bennett is a valuable asset to any team because of his versatility. He can provide healing, buff your team’s attack, and deal Pyro damage. He is also relatively easy to build, making him a good choice for new players. The best weapons for Bennett in Genshin Impact are those that increase his Energy Recharge and Attack.

  • Mistsplitter Reforged is the best weapon for Bennett overall. It provides a significant increase to his Elemental DMG Bonus and Attack.
  • Aquila Favonia is another great option for Bennett. It provides a large boost to his Attack and can also heal him and deal damage when he takes DMG.
  • The Alley Flash is a good 4-star weapon for Bennett. It increases his Energy Recharge and Attack, and it can also deal Pyro DMG to nearby enemies when his Elemental Skill hits an opponent.
  • Sacrificial Sword is another good 4-star weapon for Bennett. It has a chance to reset the cooldown of his Elemental Skill, which can help him generate Energy Particles more quickly.

Best Artifacts for Bennett builds

The best way to build Bennett is as a support character. This means that you should focus on increasing his Energy Recharge and Attack. The best artifact sets for Bennett in Genshin Impact are:

  • Noblesse Oblige (4-piece): This artifact set provides a large increase to Elemental Burst damage and attack buff for the entire team.
  • Crimson Witch of Flames (4-piece): This artifact set provides a large increase to Pyro damage and Elemental Reaction damage.

Best team comps for Bennett

Bennett is a versatile character who can fit into many different team compositions. However, some of the most popular team comps that include Bennett in Genshin Impact are:

  • National Team: Bennett, Xiangling, Raiden Shogun, and Xingqiu. This team is known for its high damage output and sustainability.
  • Vaporize Team: Bennett, Hu Tao, Xingqiu, and Zhongli. This team is known for its extremely high damage output, but it can be a bit squishy.
  • Melt Team: Bennett, Ayaka, Diona, and Kazuha. This team is known for its high damage output and ability to deal with Cryo shields.

Bennett is a powerful character who can be a valuable asset to any team. By following the tips above, you can build Bennett to be a top-tier support character.

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