Modern Warfare 3 PC Performance Issues Fix Lag Stuttering Crashes Low FPS

Modern Warfare 3 PC Performance Issues: How to Stop Crashes, Lag, Stuttering

Many players report Modern Warfare 3 PC performance issues ranging from crashes, lag, stuttering, and low FPS. Most of the problems with optimization has to do with players not being able to launch the game or having trouble with Nvidia’s drivers.

Of course, the game’s graphics will be influenced by your particular PC setup and the power of your CPU and GPU, so different solutions will work for different people. On occasion, a new update will unexpectedly knock the framerate down from what you originally had. At any rate, here are some solutions you can try to stop poor performance issues for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on PC.

How to fix Modern Warfare 3 PC performance issues

The following are some methods you can try to fix PC performance issues for Modern Warfare 3:

  • Update your graphics drivers – If you have an Nvidia graphics card, we suggest looking into the latest GeForce Game Ready Driver. The 546.01 update is specifically designed for Modern Warfare 3. That said, if you are experiencing technical hiccups due to the latest graphics driver, you may want to roll back to a prior version.
  • Adjust graphics settings – As a good base to start with, we recommend that you set Render Resolution to 100, set Dynamic Resolution off, have Anti-Aliasing Quality at SMAA T2X, Texture Resolution Scale and Medium, and Detail Level at Medium. You can also change the Depth of Field, VRAM Scale Target, and Clutter Draw Distance to see if they help with performance.
  • Optimization shaders – After changing any graphic settings, make sure to restart your game so that it can rebuild shaders.
  • Free up disk drive space – Make sure that you have about 30-40 GB of free space on the hard drive that you have the game installed on.

If you are experiencing severe framerate drops, check the graphics settings to make sure they weren’t reset. Also, there was a server outage (as well as a disc required bug) on November 2 that temporarily reset user accounts to Level 1, so there’s a chance that your user options were changed in the process. Other updates might accidentally switch your preferences around too.

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