Alan Wake 2 is Alice alive or dead end

Alan Wake 2: Is Alice Alive or Dead at the End?

Whether Alice is alive or dead in Alan Wake 2 becomes one of the game’s biggest questions. At the conclusion of the original title, Alan enters the Dark Place in order for Alice to escape. However, we learn that in the years since, she’s been haunted by Scratch and that she still retains her connection to the Dark Place. So, does she die in the 13 years between the first and second games, or has she managed to stay alive?

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Is Alice alive or dead in Alan Wake 2?

Alice is alive at the end of Alan Wake 2. In the mid-credits scene, she reveals that “The Dark Place” documentary she authored was just a way to push Alan into following the right path. She also says that after meeting with the Federal Bureau of Control at the Oldest House, she remembered everything about Alan’s sacrifice and became determined to help him escape.

Alice is also the one who contracts Saga via phone in Parliament Tower Square and tells her to grab the Clicker and Bullet of Light from the shoebox in front of the statue. This act is what helped Alan break out of the loop and finally finish “Return” satisfactorily enough to stop the Dark Presence’s plans. Alice likely had to re-enter the Dark Place to put her plans into motion, so we can assume she’s trapped there now, just as Alan remains.

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However, we can also interpret a second, just as valid, version of events. In the last part of Alice’s documentary, she says that Alan’s hauntings have become constant, and she can no longer handle them. The final shot is of her committing suicide by plunging off a cliff. It’s entirely possible that this is what actually happened.

We know that events created by the Clicker can extend backward in time, so Alan might have rewritten Alice’s fate in “Return.” Of course, that creates a predestination paradox in which Alice must be alive to allow the ending of “Return” to be rewritten, but that ending of “Return” has to be rewritten for Alice to be alive. However, the series doesn’t really concern itself with that sort of thing, which makes it probable that both of the fates we saw for Alice in the game were true.

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