Is Modern Warfare 3 the end or will there be Modern Warfare 4

Is Modern Warfare 3 the End or Will There Be a Modern Warfare 4?

The original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare trilogy wrapped things up neatly in just three games. However, fans are wondering if the reboot Modern Warfare 3 is the end of the story or if we’ll get a Modern Warfare 4. Below, we’ll take a look at whether there’ll be another Modern Warfare game or if Activision might take a different approach.

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Is Modern Warfare 3 the end of the reboot story?

Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t end the reboot story. At the end of the campaign, Makarov is still on the run, and Team 141 is essentially back to square one in the fight against him. Players should note that although the reboots share general story beats and characters with the originals, the plot is vastly different.

Unfortunately, not a lot happens in the campaign of Modern Warfare 3, aside from Soap and General Shepherd dying. Sadly, instead of getting the epic showdown with him in the original Modern Warfare 2, Shepherd is killed in his office by Price in the credits.

Strangely, Victor Zakhaev is slated to appear in Zombies mode as the primary antagonist. This is despite him being killed in the Modern Warfare reboot during a Warzone story scene.

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Will there be a Modern Warfare 4?

It’s highly likely there’ll be a Modern Warfare 4. It’s easy to see Activision squeezing another campaign out of the hunt for Makarov. Maybe we’ll finally get some of the cool set pieces from the original trilogy that are missing from the reboot. In particular, the Russian invasion of the US would be great since we have yet to see much large-scale fighting in this trilogy.

However, we might see Makarov’s demise as part of a multiplayer or Warzone season storyline. If that’s the case, Activision might move on from the Modern Warfare series and start a new narrative.

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The game brings "open combat, " offering players more choices in approaching the single-player missions. Makarov returns as the chief villain of the new campaign. The newly introduced Carry Forward system will let players keep their progression and inventory from Modern Warfare II. Multiplayer fans can expect 16 maps at the launch and at least 12 coming later. Zombies mode…
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