Alan Wake 2 Ending Explained

Alan Wake 2 Ending Explained: Is Alan Still in the Dark Place?

At the ending of Alan Wake 2, we find Alan back in the Writing Room, which has fans wondering if he’s still in the Dark Place. After all, the entire game was a chronicle of his attempt to escape the nightmare world, which means he might be back at square one. However, things are more complicated than they seem, and there are a few reasons why finding himself back in the Dark Place isn’t a bad thing. Here’s the ending of Alan Wake 2 explained.

Did Alan Return to the Dark Place at the end of Alan Wake 2?

Alan returns to the Dark Place at the ending of Alan Wake 2, but he does so in a much stronger position. At the start of the game, he was stuck in a series of loops in which he’d attempt to find Alice, only to be thwarted by Scratch and the Dark Presence, then he’d forget everything and start the loop again. He remained trapped this way for 13 years, but during the last loop, he was finally able to keep his memory.

More Alan Wake 2

Unfortunately, Alan returning to the Dark Place was the sacrifice that had to be made for everyone to be saved. In exchange, Alex Casey survived, Saga’s daughter is more than likely brought back to life, and we can presume that many of the ills that befell Bright Falls and the surrounding area were reversed.

Thankfully, despite being sent back to the Dark Place, Alan was able to trap and eliminate Scratch and keep his memory. He also realizes that he’s not stuck in a loop. Instead, his ordeals in the Dark Place have been a spiral leading him upward and out. Previously, he was sent back down the spiral each time he lost his memory, but now, with the help of Alice and his other allies, he has a chance to make it out.

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