peacemaker season 2 delayed james gunn writes new superman legacy movie dc universe
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Peacemaker Season 2 Delayed as James Gunn Writes New Superman Legacy DC Movie

Peacemaker Season 2 has been delayed, James Gunn has confirmed. The DC co-chairman and co-CEO said that he has been busy writing the movie Superman Legacy, which fellow DC co-chairman and co-CEO Peter Safran is hoping he will also direct. “Team Peacemaker” are still set to appear in a fresh new television series, however, with Viola Davis leading as Suicide Squad head, Amanda Waller. This is part of Gunn and Safran’s new DC Universe.

The news comes as Gunn revealed his and Safran’s future plans for the DCU, which included a slate of 10 DC projects, five of which are TV shows, alongside five upcoming movies. The slate is just the first part of what the duo are calling Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters. The release date for The Batman 2, now titled The Batman – Part 2, was also announced, as part of a new continuity under the branding “DC Elseworlds.”

Amanda Waller TV series with Viola Davis to fill the gap between Peacemaker Season 1 and 2

Viola Davis is one of just a few people who will keep their role at DC Studios. She will return in the titular role of Waller in the TV series, which is expected to land ahead of Superman Legacy’s release in July 2025. The show will be produced by Doom Patrol creator Jeremy Carver, and has already been lauded with praise by Gunn, who called it “the greatest ever.”

Gunn says that Davis’ Waller is going to “team up with members of Team Peacemaker” in an “out of this world” story that he “can’t wait for people to see.” Though surprising, Waller serving as a continuation to Peacemaker makes sense, as Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks) revealed at the end of the first season that Waller had a huge role in Task Force X.

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