scream 6 leak killer revealed
Image: Paramount Pictures/Spyglass Media Group

Scream 6 Killer Revealed in Major Leak on Twitter

Scream 6 has suffered a major setback ahead of its theatrical release, with a clip showcasing the killer reveal at the end of the movie leaking on social media. Twitter users who were looking through the trending Scream hashtags may have stumbled upon the video, which appears to have made its way online through a foreign market leak. As the horror film is being released internationally at the same time as the United States, it will have gone out to editors for subtitling and dubbing purposes.

Note that we will not be discussing the specific content of the spoilers in any way in this article.

Fans think Scream 6 killer leak might be fake

scream 6 leak killer revealed
Image: Paramount Pictures/Spyglass Media Group

Paramount Pictures and Spyglass Media Group have been working hard on ensuring that all of the leaked clips have been scrubbed from online, but that hasn’t stopped some fans of the Scream franchise theorizing that this could have been all part of the film’s promotion.

The late Wes Craven, who served as director on the first four Scream movies, was so worried about leaks following the success of the original movie, that he had writer Kevin Williamson and his assistant mock up a dummy script for Scream 2. This was intentionally leaked to throw people off, and now those who have seen the spoilers for Scream 6 are hopeful that this could have served as inspiration in this case.

These supposed spoilers come a full three weeks before the horror movie hits the big screen. The film will see Woodsboro survivors Sam, Tara, Mindy, and Chad reunite in New York, with legacy character Gale, and Scream 4 fan-favorite Kirby, also making their return. Neve Campbell passed on the opportunity to reprise her role as “Final Girl” Sidney, after a pay dispute that saw Scream 4 star Emma Roberts speak out in her favor.

Scream 6 slashes its way into theaters on March 10, 2023.

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