Samsung Galaxy Fold 5 vs Fold 4 upgrade

Should I Upgrade to the Galaxy Fold 5 from the Fold 4?

The launch of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 has generated considerable excitement, but for most Galaxy Z Fold 4 users, an upgrade may not be the best move. While the Fold 5 has a few improvements, it doesn’t do much to differentiate itself from its predecessor. Its $1,800 price tag makes it a hard sell for anyone who has last year’s model.

Galaxy Fold 4 vs. Fold 5: Is it worth upgrading?

It’s not worth it for Galaxy Fold 4 users to upgrade to the Galaxy Fold 5. The improvements are too minor to justify the price. The most significant change between the two is that the Fold 5 uses Samsung’s new Flex Hinge, which is more durable and lets the phone close completely flat.

Unfortunately, besides being a bit thinner, there’s no further update to the phone’s form factor. That means it’s still equipped with an outer screen that many find to be just a bit too narrow. The display panels remain essentially the same, though Samsung claims that the inner screen is 30% brighter on the Fold 5. We never found the OLEDs on the previous Fold models to be too dim, so this isn’t a great selling point.

There also aren’t any upgrades to the camera or battery. However, the Fold 5 does come with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip, which is a bit faster and more efficient than the Z Fold 4’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. So, you might see a bit more battery life with the newer phone.

So, while the Galaxy Z Fold 5 may offer a few new features, the absence of significant improvements in display and camera technology doesn’t justify an upgrade from the Z Fold 4 for many users. Evaluating your individual needs against the enhancements offered by the new model is critical to making the right decision.

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