The Quake 2 "Q" logo on a black background.

Quake 2 Physical Copies Are Available to Pre-Order, but Only for a Limited Time

Less than a week ago, Quake 2 was given the remaster treatment, and now you can own a physical copy of the game on a variety of platforms. There are even special editions, which come with bonus content.

It won’t be around forever, though

If you head over to the Limited Run website, you’ll see a selection of physical Quake 2 copies for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Standard editions of the game on console will set you back $35, but there is the Special Edition to choose from, as well as an Ultimate Edition.

The former comes with a copy of Quake 2, a collector’s box, reversible poster, briefing document, and dog tags. The latter has all that plus a collectible coin, service patch, and some other goodies. Obviously, this one does cost more than the other two versions.

However, Limited Run is describing this as an “open pre-order,” which will be in operation until September 10. Given that we’re only partway through August, you still have a bit of time to place your order.

The Quake 2 remaster breathes new life into id Software‘s classic 1997 shooter. While it’s still the same game, the visuals have been given a bit of a boost (especially when it comes to lighting). Enemy AI has also been tweaked while developer Nightdive Studios has implemented accessibility features and packaged the remaster with the two official mission packs and a new campaign developed by MachineGames, the studio behind the modern Wolfenstein titles.

If that wasn’t enough, Nightdive has also managed to port the Nintendo 64 version of the game, so you get even more Quake 2 in your Quake 2.

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