Starfield tops UK sales chart

Starfield Debuts at No.1 on UK Boxed Charts

Bethesda’s open-world RPGs tend to sell pretty well, and Starfield doesn’t seem to be an exception. Starfield’s Premium Edition Upgrade was the best seller on the Xbox digital store during its early access period. The game’s full release arrived last week, with Starfield taking the top spot on the UK boxed sales chart

Starfield takes Hogwarts Legacy’s place as the UK’s top-seller

Starfield broke six million players in two days, making it the most successful launch in Bethesda’s history. Thus, it’s not too surprising that it managed to top the charts in the United Kingdom. As reported, German market research company GfK recently published data on the top-selling games in the UK. Notably, the Starfield Premium Edition upgrade fell from its number seven spot all the way down to number 22.

Starfield dethroned Hogwarts Legacy, which fell to number two. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came third, followed by Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom slipped from fourth to sixth, while NBA 2K24 debuted at number seven. Grand Theft Auto V maintains its position in eighth place. Finally, Fae Farm debuted at number nine, bumping Minecraft’s Switch port to 10th place.

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon was the UK’s fifth best seller the week before last but fell to number 20. FIFA 23 also dropped out of the top ten, falling to number 11. However, a few games have been rising in popularity. These include The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game of the Year, rising from number 37 to number 15. From Software’s Dark Souls trilogy and CDPR’s Cyberpunk 2077 also re-entered the chart at number 31 and number 32, respectively.

Upcoming Releases

The game brings "open combat, " offering players more choices in approaching the single-player missions. Makarov returns as the chief villain of the new campaign. The newly introduced Carry Forward system will let players keep their progression and inventory from Modern Warfare II. Multiplayer fans can expect 16 maps at the launch and at least 12 coming later. Zombies mode…
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