Rogue City: RoboCop posing in front of a city at night.

RoboCop: Rogue City Publisher Cancels Nintendo Switch Port

If you were hoping to get RoboCop: Rogue City on Switch, you’re going to be a little disappointed. It turns out Nacon, the publisher behind the game, has cancelled plans to port the game to Nintendo’s hybrid console.

Will there be a Switch version?

According to a report from Gematsu, a spokesperson for Nacon has said that the company doesn’t have any plans for a Switch version just yet. It’s easy to interpret the comment as a suggestion that it could happen at some point, but that’s only speculation at this stage.

No reason has been given behind the cancellation, but Nintendo fans who were hoping to play Rogue City won’t be happy about the news.

Currently, Robocop: Rogue City is scheduled to release on November 2 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. The game was originally due to come out in September, but its release date was pushed back slightly. PC users were treated to a demo of the game recently. However, that now appears to have disappeared from Steam.

Set in Old Detroit, the upcoming FPS tasks players with taking on the role of the titular robotic law enforcer. As part-man, part-machine, it’s up to RoboCop to clean the streets of criminal scum, bringing peace to the city. The game is developed by Teyon, which created the 2019 shooter Terminator: Resistance.

Upcoming Releases

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