the last of us episode 3 reactions bill frank love story twitter
Image: Liane Hentscher/HBO

The Last of Us HBO Episode 3: Viewers React to ‘Most Touching and Heartbreaking Hour of Television’

The Last of Us Episode 3 on HBO was the “most touching and heartbreaking hour of television,” according to fans. As viewers watched Bill and Frank’s love story play out in live-action, with some major story changes when compared to the game, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Here’s what those watching thought of the series’ latest installment.

Fan reactions to Bill and Frank’s story in The Last of Us Episode 3

Telling a love story with the backdrop of the apocalypse is no easy feat. Despite this, it appears that the masterminds behind The Last of Us on HBO did an incredible job of giving us exactly this, with their third episode dedicated to Bill and Frank. After the dust settled on the third episode, viewers took to social media to share their opinions.

One fan said on Twitter that they “sat down expecting an hour of grotesque fungus monsters and got the most gut wrenching love story of the decade,” while another claimed it was “the best queer love story in media history.” The Last of Us creator, Neil Druckmann, had a little fun after seeing the outpouring of emotion, writing: “Why is everyone crying? That was the happy episode!”

“I don’t think I’ve sobbed this much in a really long time,” one viewer said after watching, and one praised actors Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett for their performances as Bill and Frank respectively, despite joking that they “walked onto set ready to ruin millions of lives.”

The Last of Us will continue on HBO and HBO Max next Sunday, February 5, 2023.

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