God of War creator praises Starfield

God of War Creator Praises Starfield, Calls it One of His Favorite Games Ever

God of War and Twisted Metal creator David Jaffe recently gave Starfield some pretty high praise. In a recent Tweet, the veteran game director said Starfield was among his favorite games of all time.

Starfield is a “top 3” game, according to God of War creator

Bethesda Game Studios’ “NASA punk” sci-fi RPG official launched yesterday, though owners of Starfield Premium Edition have been exploring the stars since September 1. While opinions on the game vary somewhat, it is seeing an overwhelmingly positive reception.

That includes veteran game director David Jaffe, who described Starfield as one of his “top 3 games of all time.” While Jaffe acknowledged that not everyone has his exact tastes, he encouraged his fans to give it a try.

“I’m console agnostic, y’all KNOW that” said Jaffe. “A great game is a great game.” He strongly encouraged his non-Xbox-owning followers to get a one-month Game Pass subscription to try Starfield. He encouraged his fans not to let a “childish” console war stop them from enjoying a great game. “If you love 1p action adventures,” wrote Jaffe, “you owe it to yourself.”

“Top 3” is a big deal from someone like David Jaffe, who created two hit Play Station franchises. Jaffe was game designer for Twisted Metal in 1995 and went on to direct Twisted Metal 2 and Twisted Metal: Black. He then directed God of War, God of War II, and two more Twisted Metal games before leaving Sony Santa Monica.

Jaffe’s last game came out in 2017, and it’s been a while since he was at the forefront of game development. Still, it’s reasonable to assume that Jaffe knows a good action game when he plays it. If nothing else, his endorsement is a good sign for Starfield’s success.

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