Star Wars Dark Forces: Darth Vader with the blackness of space behind him.

Nightdive Studios’ Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster Launches February

Nightdive Studios is the current go-to when it comes to remastering classic games, and the developer’s modern spit shine on Star Wars: Dark Forces finally has a release date. As of now, the mid-90s FPS will be launching February 28, 2024.

Coming to a console/PC near you

While the Steam page for the game doesn’t yet show the release date, it has been confirmed on the Nightdive Studios Twitter account. As well as PC, the remaster will be gracing consoles, with ports for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

However, those who are still on previous-gen systems are in luck, as Dark Forces will also be coming to PS4 and Xbox One.

The original was developed and published by LucasArts, a company that not only handled the game adaptations of the Star Wars franchise, but was quite the staple in early PC gaming.

The remaster will come with all the accouterments of a modern day release. For example, you’ll get to experience the 90s sci-fi shooter in 4K 120FPS visuals with modern controller support, advanced lighting effects, and more, all thanks to it being developed in Nightdive’s own KEX Engine.

In Dark Forces, players take on the role of Kyle Katarn, who’s appeared in a number of Star Wars video games and novels, even having his own action figure.

Many of us are now very familiar with the quality of work that comes from Nightdive Studios‘ remasters. The likes of the recent reimagining of the cult classic System Shock and the tweaking of Quake 2 shows the team has what it takes to bring retro games back into the limelight,

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