Pokemon Go How to Get Upgrade Device

Pokemon Go: How to Get Upgrade Device

You’ll want to get Upgrade Devices in Pokemon Go, as they are special items that are required to evolve certain Pokemon. These items are relatively rare, but they are essential for completing your Pokedex and getting some of the strongest Pokemon in the game. Unfortunately, this is another item you can’t buy from the store. Instead, you’ll have to seek them out yourself.

How to get Upgrade Devices in Pokemon Go

Finding Upgrade Devices in Pokemon Go is tough since they aren’t sold in the shop. These special evolution items are required to evolve certain Pokemon, such as Porygon2 and Porygon-Z. They are rare items, but here are a few ways to get them:

  • Spin PokeStops and Gyms
  • 7th day streak bonus
  • Research Breaththrough Rewards
  • Gifts from other players
  • Event rewards
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Spin PokeStops and Gyms

The most common way to get Upgrade Devices is to spin PokeStops and Gyms. There is a small chance of receiving an Upgrade Device each time you spin a PokeStop or Gym, but there is no guaranteed way to get one.

7th day streak bonus

If you spin a PokeStop every day for seven days in a row, you will receive a special reward on the seventh day that has a high chance of containing an Upgrade Device. This is a great way to get a Upgrade Device at least once a week.

Research Breakthrough rewards

You can also earn Upgrade Devices from Research Breakthrough rewards. To earn a Research Breakthrough reward, you need to complete seven Daily Research tasks in a row. Research Breakthrough rewards can contain a variety of items, including Upgrade Devices.

Gifts from other players

There’s a very low possibility you’ll get an Upgrade Device from a Gift.

Wait for events

Niantic sometimes gives away Upgrade Devices as rewards for events. For example, Upgrade Devices were given away as rewards for the Porygon Community Day event in 2018.

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