melanie lynskey response homophobic tweets the last of us hbo episode 4
Image: HBO Max on YouTube

The Last of Us HBO Episode 4 Star Melanie Lynskey Pokes Fun at Homophobic Tweets

Melanie Lynskey may not have yet appeared in an episode of The Last of Us on HBO, but the actor is already facing some strange criticism on social media. Lynskey will play a character called Kathleen in the series, described as “the ruthless leader of a revolutionary movement in Kansas City.” Entirely original to the show, having not appeared in the Last of Us video game from Naughty Dog, not much else is known about the character’s story, other than that she will be introduced in Episode 4.

That didn’t stop one particular follower from taking a shot at Lynskey, however. After the critically-acclaimed third episode of The Last of Us, which focused on telling the love story of same-sex couple Bill and Frank, a small minority took offence at the direction of the third installment. In a tweet from Bloody Disgusting, which told followers they can expect Lynskey’s arrival in the next episode of The Last of Us, someone replied: “More homosexual agenda pushing.”

Melanie Lynskey says it is an “honor” to “push homosexual agenda” before Last of Us Episode 4 debut

It is unclear whether or not the character Katherine will be gay in The Last of Us. That makes this particular response to the original tweet about Lynskey’s involvement even more confusing than it already is. Fortunately, the star sees it as an “honour” to “push that homosexual agenda just by showing up.”

Lynskey, while part of a heterosexual relationship in real life, being married to Jason Ritter since 2020, did make her acting debut as Pauline Parker in Heavenly Creatures (1994). The teenage character fell head over heels in love with Kate Winslet’s Juliet Hulme, breaking down barriers in cinema by having the spotlight shine on her same-sex attraction, at a time when that simply wasn’t a done thing.

The Last of Us continues on HBO and HBO Max on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

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